"Everything it started when i finished the military service..

You know, the school does not fit for me. I did not even finish the high school. My Dad was a good farmer, our family had a big field in Pesaro. But I loved engines.
The motorcycles.
my family lived accross the river. One day when i was on my way to home , a friend of my parents ,a joiner stopped me and asked me if a could fix his woodworkingmachinery.
I was a good mechanic and i was able to fix it.
But it was a very strange machine, had the tendency to broke a lot and at that time there weren't much money to buy a new one, a better one.
So i had a great idea, let's built it"
Times were hard time back then, but Giancarlo never gave up.
The first successes in business were never fire behind, until during the 60's he started to collect motorcycles grarprix. His dream went to start.
Take a dreamer and not the businessman himself, mechanic and grandprix race lover, with a high engineer knowledge; from here the step to create his first motocycle grandprix was very brief.
It was the 1967 and she was the first of her kind.

Giancarlo is a simple man, very accultured person with a passion for his work. The attention for his creatures is far behind of the simple maintenance. he knows everything about them. He appeciates them, but he is not jelous, he is proud of them.
And if you listen closely you still hear their tails.
Tails of miserty, porty, risk and death!
But also about speed, adrenaline and freedom. About their essence that only a motorcycle can give you.
But i loose my path, so back in the Museum.
Once inside, you can see his first "daughter", born in 1967.
First section is on the first motorcycles ever made. A MOTOR setted up on a bikeCYCLE.

From the early days of the motorbikes Giancarlo wanted to start a formative path.
Moving on you can admire more jewels, forgotten, but not for that to forget.
Proseguendo s'incontrano altre meraviglie, dimenticate, ma non per questo da dimenticare.
Do you remeber the TV Series "Harley and the Davidson"? Here for you these two raritys.

#GOFASTTURNLEFT. No front brake needed for what they did. the last pic is a 1928  Harley BA.. Se pensate che anche la Monna Lisa cade a pezzi.. Even the Monalisa falls apart..

Moving on in this tour, and it's the turn of the English people, the "allies". They were very able to build Granprix motorcycles. 
In sequence: The dominator of the the 50's, Norton Manx, the Matchless and the AJS.

Taking the corner ,you will meet the Japaneses. Undisputed rulers in the latest 20 years. They established themself on the racetracks with their tecnology, reliability and speed. As usual Giancarlo dedicated a cosy space, where you can enjoy them closely.
Here the four stroke killers: The infamous TZ twostroke!  

The GoldenAge of Motorsport, where burned oil smells were mixed in the air, and immediatly you know that could not play easly with them. Too much rough. Too much power in a restricted range. 
But with a timeless charme.
The last but not the list, my favourite one, The Italians.
Their originality and ingeniusness deserves a particular spot.
These beauties did the Motorsport History.





The time is running and the drop attention becomes dangerous.
I hope you enjoy it.
is the last one a beauty, doesn't she?
she is a real 500gp two stroke.
well,we already see the two stroke gp and maybe also hear them singing. 
but she is special, because is a handmade aluminium tank with a monoblock frame with a regolable headstock since the 80's.
Oh man, genius and madness.
Tell me gentlemans, who else is?
Almost i forget the circle closure.
I have already told you about the gewelery present in the hall, right?
Well,she is the secondo one.


120 HP a mini V8 engine is the heart of a revolutonary bike.
Handmade four.
Solded for 100 millions lire, about 50000 € in 1993.
 Have  we done?
Not yet , i want  to steel you other 30 seconds.
Or maybe even the night, dreams included.
Mister Giancarlo is near to finish a brand new engine, the most sofisticated ever made.
Nowone has never had the courage to built something like that.
Gentlemen, on CBR frame, here to you
Soon on our roads.

48 VALVOLE per dormire sereni.
Scusate il ritardo

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